Extraordinary experience, for the first time in Israel!

CINEMAX 360 – become a part of the movie!

360 degrees of multi-sensory viewing experience, moving seats and more surprises

All of your senses will be activated, excites everyone!

Our movies

General info

CINEMAX 360 has 16 active seats, the movie is projected on a screen wrapping the line of sight, based on a special DOME technology.
Each movie plays between 5-8 minutes and gives the visitors a special 7D show involving all senses.

You can choose the movie at the entrance, we play all movies as per demand. Our staff will assist recommend and list your name for the chosen movie at the entrance. Will give you an estimated time and directions to enjoy your experience.

There might be some waiting time for your movie.

Safety information:

pregnant women, persons with health problems in their back, neck, heart or blood pressure should avoid from participating in this attraction.
In any other kind of health problem, please consult with a doctor.

Please keep aware and listen to the signs and staff instructions at all times.

Enjoy your CINEMAX 360 experience!

Opening hours

Scheduled opening hours

Balloon is closed due to the situation.

Cinemax 360 open Saturday 10:00-16:00



Movie selection is made at your arrival, please contact the operators at the entrance.


Ticket for a person (from age 3) – 35 NIS

Online tickets and packages with a balloon flight available on TLV Balloon website.

Looking forward to see you

We are located in the TLV Balloon area
Ganyey Yehoshua, Hayarkon park, Tel Aviv

Parking: Ganey Yehoshua’s parking lot, Tel Aviv

Phone: +972-3-5589722

Email: [email protected]

© 2020 by CINEMAX 360

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